DD Brian’s Homecoming -Nov. 20, 2024
SVP Willy Rodriguez congratulates Brian
NYS President Tania DeFrank and her entourage visit the Lodge on Dec. 14, 2024
ER Chris Petrella met with Grand Exlted Ruler Randy P. Shook and First Lady Wanda at the 2023 New York State Elks
Association Fall Conference
Exalted Ruler Chris Petrella (left to right) with 2023-24 District Deputy Brian Steckler and John Nuzzi, PDD at the 2023 Grand Lodge Elks Convention
Our Lodge welcomed the visitation of the South District Deputy, Robert Comstock and celebrated the homecoming of our own Brian Diaz, State Vice-President for his homecoming. Pictured is Bob Comstock, DDGER; ER Chris Petrella, PER; Brian Diaz, SVP
Brian Diaz, SVP Homecoming
2022 NYS President Visit to Lodge
In December 2022, we had the pleasure of hosting the South District Major Projects Charity Dinner in honor of the visitation of the NYS Elks Association President Cameron Ricci. The theme was Ugly Holiday Sweaters. The President’s District host for the weekend was our own State Vice-President Brian Diaz.
2022 NYS Fall Elks Convention
Exalted Ruler Chris Petrella (center) with NY State President Cam Ricci (left) and NYS President Designate Kevin Connolly (right) at the Fall convention in Albany the weekend of September 24, 2022
On February 26, 2022 we had the honor of welcoming our NYS Elks Association President Barry Griffith for lunch during his visit to the Southeast District.
From left to right: Jose Jacob, ER; Richard Milhaven, Southeast District State VP; traveling companions Gerry and Bonnie Claude; NYSEA President Barry Griffith; Jo-Ann Pellegrino, Doe Club President; Brian Diaz, South District State VP Elect; NYSEA First Lady Susan Griffith, and Robert Giglio, PDDGER.
2022 State President Griffith Visit to Lodge
2021 State President Galarneau Visit to Lodge
On February 27, 2021, we had the honor of welcoming our New York State Elks Association President Paul Galarneau of the Cohoes-Waterford Lodge #1317 for breakfast. Music provided by our members Susan and Jorge Lopez.
Pictured presenting gifts from the Lodge are Donald Rood, Lodge Sponsor; traveling companion Brian Bott; Robert Giglio, PDDGER; traveling companion Renee Bott; and President Galarneau.